Monday, December 6, 2010

The Anatomy of a Visual Message


In this image we can appreciate a representational visual message. Representational is what we see and recognize from the environment and experience. Depicts objects from reality. We see a person and a dog laying down sleeping. The woman and the dog carry a large amount of detail and is directly reporting their actions. We get a lot and of information from this image. The viewer gets a clear idea of what this picture is about, and spends time looking at the detail to make a conclusion. Little ambiguity as to what is trying to communicate.


Abstract, the process of distillation and the reduction of multiple visual factor to ONLY THE ESSENTIALS and most typical of what is being represented. In others words a simplified reality. In this image we can admire abstraction everywhere. We now what a kid/person looks like thus we immediately conclude this picture to be depicting abstract kids. We conclude that by looking at the detail. There isn't much, no detail on the face but just the essentials; mouth, nose and a dot as a eye. We are not flat/2D objects we see in 3D. Abstraction is often use as a direct communication tool. It allows the viewers to get the general message faster without having to look carefully at every detail. 

A Symbol, an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark, denotes (refers to) something else by association, resemblance, or convention. Symbolic communication is express via coded form such as numbers, music, letters, the alphabet of any language. It can refer to a thing, an action, a group, idea, business, institution, political party, religion, etc. Symbols are abstracted, simplified, and standardized, making abstract thinking and communication more efficient, the more abstract, the more effective. Symbols depend on links to memory, experience, concepts and are often drawn from nature, sometimes from artificial constructs or other symbols. In this image we can appreciate a symbol that there is an electric escalator somewhere. Since this kind of symbols are link to memory, only those who live or have live in a city will recognize such symbol.

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