Sunday, October 31, 2010

Implied Motion in Design

This graphic image contains the element of implied motion. The guy is about to be launched as soon as the bottle releases the cork. This is implied motion of expectation because we expect to see the guy riding the cork to be launched, we even unconsciously start counting down. It is also a good example of scale exaggeration and thus the designer has successfully created an image that contains energy of movement.

In this other image implied motion plays an important role. This Ad for Legos shows a toy by the sidewalk of a city trying to get a taxi and it blurs the background to create a busy street scene and to emphasize the Lego toy. The Ad uses Familiar size cue to emphasizes that its a toy not an scale exaggeration of a human dress in Lego costume. Also the ad uses strong diagonal lines and perspective, creating an converging point, to imply motion down the street to show that the toy will never get a taxi in this busy city.

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