Saturday, September 11, 2010

Feature Hierarchy & Visual Search

2010 Taipei International Floral Exposition Logo
At a simple glance of the image, we are capable of grasping the intended meaning in seconds, though not completely. Through our visual search - feature channel hierarchies - we get a general overview about the intended meaning. The difference in color represents variety, the human shape like represents people, the number of people, a community and their placement, unity, therefore the unity of a diverse community. "The logo represent human celebrations and shared values". The result could differ if any of this elements were to be change. For example, just by changing the color to just black and white, the interpretation might differ because color was excluded from our feature channels. Our attention is bias and if any feature channel is not present at that moment then its excluded. As a visual communication major my feature channels are always active. My area of professional interest its just like the logo, it varies. But by unifying the variety I'm capable of creative successful designs.

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