Monday, September 27, 2010

Visual Vs Symbolic Language

In this image; woman, man, all ethnic backgrounds, a hat, chairs line up, lights, people waiting, looking around, a pair of glasses, warm clothing, waiting patiently, hands together, praying, they all have been waiting for long, waiting for their turn, rows and columns of people sitting right next to each other,  talking, a room full of people.
People have to endure extreme hardship when it comes to unemployment. Many have waited and waited for their turn, for their chance, for a job that will support them, that will at least provide them with a meal. In the photo we see that many people of all ethnic backgrounds have gather in a room of many rows and columns of chairs waiting patiently for their turn. Some look like they have waited for a long time. Since morning possibly, and constantly looking around, talking to their neighbor. In the area out of focus we can also see how one of them have her/his hands cross in hope of getting something, of getting somewhere. The main character in photo, though it looks like the man is asleep because of his head is down leaning against his hands, he portrays an image of someone that has persevere the long waiting, praying the today will be the day he will get something. Most of us have already experience the long waiting at the DMV office, just to get some document that it takes a few minutes to process, imagine how it feels to wait hours, days, weeks even months to get a job.

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