Saturday, September 4, 2010

Top-Down Visual Processing

McDonald’s Large Coffee: Outdoor puzzle

This outdoor poster was turned into a large interactive push puzzles that consumers could solve in order to “sort your head”. This was done to promote McDonald’s Large Coffee for only 1 Euro. Just as the advertisement has successfully accomplish the action, dragging consumers attention and cognitive goal getting the consumer to understand the idea through visuals, Visual Communication, my existing area of study, has the same goals. The Ad's goal is to entice consumers to approach, solve the puzzle and see the final results. We are strongly bias beings when we are attempting to accomplish something. In the Ad, to solve the puzzle, we have to look at each piece individually, prioritizing each of them and moving along accordingly. Putting the features such as the eyes, lips, nose etc. of the woman according to what we know is the appropriate place. Doing massive eye movement - active vision -  even though we are not always aware of it, to accomplish our task. Beginning with short “fixations” to get overview, then longer fixations in concert with goals and current tasks, look-aheads to enable future actions. Reconstructing the McDonald's logo, looking at each color and how they are related to each other while constantly re-link between action goal, dragging the right piece and cognitive goal, making sense. Visual communication does not differ. We get the overview of what visual communication is about. We begin an action goal, such as where we need to go and when we need to do it. Along with a cognitive goal, what we need to do, how do we do it, and why are we doing it. We also do our short “fixations” to get the overview of the class, then our longer fixations to keep us focus, and our look-aheads to what's next while constantly re-linking between actions and cognition so we accomplish our goal and graduate in time.

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